First Day

First day of the new year - 2022 is full of promise and unexpected things. I embrace the unknown. 

Things to be grateful for:

- I own a car and can pay for gas to travel. I have the freedom of adventure. My world is not circumscribed by my neighborhood or town. I know I am lucky in this.

- I have access to technology to communicate with anyone, anywhere. I can reach out to loved ones and strangers alike. I can check on people and make sure they are safe and well. I can learn about the world. I know that not every person, especially not every female, has this access.

- I made it through another year without getting sick. I did not lose my family. I did not lose my job or my home. There are people working everywhere, every day, to bring this strange and tragic time to an end. I can support their work by staying informed and making reasonable choices, keeping vaccinated and boosted, wearing a mask, keeping my distance. I am lucky that my life allows me to make those choices.

- I am loved.


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